Thursday, January 25, 2007

Day 4

I'm having fun. My cooperative teacher, Linda, is very flexible, as am I, so we're enjoying my being able to see an opportunity in class, ask her if she wants me to add to the discussion, her saying yes, and me being able to work with all the classes for short periods.

Today, the 5th grade had a mini lesson on political cartoons. They used a couple cartoons in the text book, one from the Revolution (what they're currently studying) and one from current politics. Linda commented that there would be lots of political cartoons out this week because the President talked, and I asked if she wanted me to look for some. She agreed, reminding me to make sure they were safe, and I took 10 minutes to bring some current political cartoons up about Bush's State of the Union address.

The kids had a blast, I led the discussion from the online cartoons, because Linda is less comfortable interpreting political cartoons, and the entire class had some good laughs!

Today I'm putting together a smart board interactive presentation on labeling New England states. The tech teacher loaded up my laptop with the software, handed me a user guide, and I'm set to go. Nothing I like more than a new tech toy!

I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to learn new classroom technology techniques! My field advisory recommended I also become intimately familiar with Powerpoint, which I haven't used often and don't know very well. He likes powerpoint, wants to see me use it for lessons. By the time I have a chance to take the "Technology in the Classroom" course at FDU, I should be able to teach it!

All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.
~ Aristotle

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