Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Dæmon

We just watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesterday, driving an hour and a half (in an air-conditioned car!!) to an air-conditioned mall, to watch the IMAX version of OoP, and the girls treated me (with their recently earned babysitting money) to dinner, in the air-conditioned mall!

Can you tell that it was hot yesterday???!!!

I loved the movie - thought it was the best since the first movie. And the special effects in 3-D at the IMAX theater were awesome, so if you have a chance to see it that way, go!

We were talking about upcoming movies, since we didn't see any previews at the IMAX, and Traveler Girl asked me to get her copies of Phillip Pullman's Dark Materials series, so she could reread them before the movie is released. We both loved the books, so I spend my Amazon coupon buying a copy of the series, since now there are three of us (perhaps four by then) who will want to reread the books before the movie arrives.

Then a friend sent this link, to find your own Dæmon. And the site gives you a few days to ask for feedback from friends before the Dæmon is finalized. So here's your chance ... click on the link and let me know if you agree or disagree with my self-assessment!

- Molly Weasley

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