Monday, January 07, 2008

Silly Horoscope Meme Thing

For your reading pleasure - an interesting and somewhat bizarre meme that my friend Suna posted. It came from Barb Cooper's wonderful blog. I love Barb's description:
Pay no attention to the fact that they seem to have been randomly generated by some astrological parody engine or a house elf or something.
Here's my response, for January.

Stubborn and hard-hearted.
This would especially be true when I am yelling at my children after they did something wrong. At least according to them. I am a serious contender for the worst-mommy-in-the-world, quite frequently.
Ambitious and serious.
Uh-huh. That’s why I went back to school and massively back into debt as a single mom to learn how to be a teacher in a public school, working for peanuts.
Loves to teach and be taught.
Well, ok, maybe this is why I went back to school.
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses.
This is not why I want to become a teacher, and I spend all my waking hours most definitively not looking for flaws in people. However, that said, I do not hesitate to speak up when I do see weaknesses and flaws, and try to always offer suggestions for improvement. This would be for institutions, though, not people.
Likes to criticize.
Well, I guess the last comment said it all. I try to criticize productively and kindly, if that helps.
Hardworking and productive.
No arguments there. My children will happily attest to how unavailable I am due to the amount of time I spend on the computer (which translates to how much I’m working on school work). The upside to all of that is that my children are growing up with a model of how working hard in school leads to happiness and success. I hope. If I find a job.
Smart, neat and organized.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Except for the smart part. Single moms in school and working do not have time to be neat and organized.
Sensitive and has deep thoughts.
Yep, that’s why I’m reduced to responding to inane memes before blogger shuts down my blog due to neglect.
Knows how to make others happy.
Not right now. I’ve spent far too long ignoring my friends while I cope with school and work. I hope they all forgive me.
Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Well, ok. One item I might agree with.
Rather reserved.
One of the most important ideas that I am trying to help my children understand is that life must be lived … that we need to throw ourselves into life without worrying about how others think of us … that reserve is for banks, not humans.
Highly attentive.
Not when I’m reading. Again, my children will happily attest to this. Not when I’m in front of my computer, either. (Those two actions kind of go hand-in-hand right now, but my children haven’t figured that out yet.) I prefer to think of it as benign neglect which helps them develop their own creativity!
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds.
What does this have to do with my birth month, anyway? Did the person who came up with this list really believe that all January babies are more prone to colds? Now that I’m an accomplished user of natural remedies, none of this is true, anyway.
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love.
Nope. If I can’t find a way to say it orally, I usually find a way to say it in writing. Anyway, how could I make others feel happy but not know how to express my love???
Loves children.
Only since I became a mom. That would discount the first two thirds of my life!
Has great social abilities yet easily jealous.
No. Really, really no. I don't think I have a jealous bone in my body.
Very stubborn and money cautious.
Again, my children might claim the stubbornness. However, they are more worried about money now that we’re poor than I am.
That was interesting. A bit bizarre. I would truly love to know how this meme originated.

1 comment:

Suna Kendall said...

Not sure where ole Barb got that meme. She enjoyed that one of my friends did it for FOUR other people. Has time on her hands.

And by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are doing so well--here's to a year of new adventures.