Monday, November 13, 2006

Field Work Finished!

I am finished my field work!!!

It feels like a job well done. This afternoon, the children in the class all presented me with pictures and note that they drew and composed themselves, and so many of them told me they would miss me, or they loved me. I had a difficult time not crying; they were so sweet!

Tomorrow, besides getting some work done for my Tuesday night class, I will be TAKING a NAP!!! That will feel so good. For the last three weeks, I essentially had two full-time jobs, plus single-mommyhood. It was an extreme endurance chapter in my life, and I survived, and even had fun!

I will miss those little kiddies. They were all hoping I’d come back to the school to be their teacher. That would be nice, actually. I have to make sure to write a nice thank you note to the principal.

Enter the day invigorated with the essence of possibility, go through it energized with a sense of purpose and joy and end it with the serenity of completion.
~ Darina Stoyanova

1 comment:

Sam said...

CONGRATS Robin!!!!!

You must be so proud! You certainly should be. I am in awe of you and inspired by your recent dedication to re-entering the education system. It gives me hope that I will achieve my goals when I go back next year.

Take care